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1 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

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2 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 


Miyan Sahab Rehmania Fareedi 



3 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 


No part of this publication may be published in any form, unless all 
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1. Intent and context of this publication is not misrepresented in any 

2. The author Miyan Sahab is acknowledged 

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5. Explicit written permission from Miyan Sahab is obtained 



4 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

To Tlie Creator 

The -Bel oveJ of The Caveator 


51 f 

-1° Al- 






5 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

o°l emn 

"O my Allah, You are the Possessor of Grace and Blessings, 

And I am the possessor of mistakes so pardon me; 

Because my opinion regarding You O my Lord is one of beauty 
So my Allah, make this good opinion a reality. 

O my Allah, don't punish me for I 
Indeed confess to those sins which came from me 
The people think good of me but I am 
The worst of creation if You do not pardon me 

I have relinquished the created totally seeking Your pleasure. 

And I have orphaned my family that I may see You; 

And even if You were to tear me, by my love, into pieces 
My heart will not yearn for anything besides You. 

Pay no attention to the feeble one who has come to You 
And has come hoping, hoping for Your Call 
And even if, O Muhaymin, he has disobeyed You 
He has not prostrated to a deity besides You 

My Allah, Your sinning slave has come to You 
Confessing misdeeds, and he has supplicated unto You; 

Thus if You forgive, then this is worthy of Your Grandeur, 

But if you reject my plea then who will have mercy other than You? 

O my Allah, I have repented from every disobedience, 

With sincerity, in hope of salvation; 

O Aider of the appealers, aid me 

Through Your Grace on the day they the sinners will be seized by the forelocks." 

(Dua of Ibrahim Bin Adham) 



6 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

First of all I'd like to show my fullest gratitude towards my creator, who have always been benevolent, 
merciful and bountiful towards me and it's only his largess that today once again holding the pen in 
my hands I can write something on a very important subject. 

Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) is basically an inditement in which the knowledge about Black 
Magic, Demons, Spiritual diseases, their effects, symptoms and easy to conduct treatments have been 
introduced. As well as have given you the awareness of the difference between spiritual diseases. Evil 
diseases (Black Magic, Demons etc.) and common psychological problems. 

Unfortunately however living in a civilized, educated society we start to believe common psychological 
problems as Black Magic or Demon's disruption. In this particular situation the patient is dragged to 
the quack spiritual gurus and saints where talking about recovery is impossible but the patient 
attracts more psychological burden and become more and more sick. 

Adding to elegance by visiting such quacks patients and their relatives get into the trap of negative 
belief system which is one of the biggest spiritual disease itself. 

This is why we find two important divisions in our society, one who get into the trap of quacks because 
lake of knowledge about the particular subject and their negative belief system and as a result not 
only they lose their money but also they get into more and more negativity and negative belief system 
but still they don't want to search for the truth because their negative mind set and belief system 
don't allow them to do so. 

Second those who totally deny the evil diseases (Black Magic, Demons etc.)What all they believe is 
psychological and physical illness. Black magic, demons is no more than a fairy tale or figment to 
them. The ego and the society they live in don't allow them to even think about the cure of these evil 
diseases when they get affected. As a result the evil diseases by and by finish them internally and they 
finally attract a chronic physical or mental disease. Therefore these both divisions are somehow not 

It's impossible to deny the black magic, demons and their effects, but to believe every problem and 
issues as an outcome of black magic or demons and their effects is a result of either lake of knowledge 
of this subject or a wrong and negative belief system. This is why with the help of this e-book I'm 
trying to make you aware of the facts and going to explain spiritual, evil & common psychological 
diseases so that every reader can make the most of this e-book. 



7 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Belief Systems & It's Importance 

What is a belief System? 

Belief system is an important factor of our physical reality. Everybody posses a particular belief system 
and spends life according to it. Nobody in this world can claim to have no belief system. Therefore 
every human either consciously or unconsciously following a particular belief system and his/her life is 
circling around that particular belief system. Belief system plays a vital role in every field of life. 

How do Belief System Forms? 

Well, while many factors can form belief systems, the 2 most important are your parents and your 
early education. Generally we inherit the belief systems from our parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts 
etc. and either consciously or unconsciously we start to follow these belief systems and make them a 
part of our life. By and by when practicing these belief systems our mind get used to them and it 
becomes impossible for us to change them and if we try we get psychological depression, tension, 
fatigues etc. 

We adapt beliefs from our early education this is why it's highly advisable to choose the right 
academy for your children; otherwise the result will be "A TRAP OF NEGATIVE BELIEF SYSTEM". 

Like that we come across different beliefs from our friends, relatives, near and dears some of them we 
ignore and some of them enthrall us and they become the part of our belief system and then our life 
circles around these beliefs. 

Beliefs should not be measured on your likings and disliking but what will be the outcome of those 
beliefs in your life. When you become successful in evaluating it then you will be able to distinct the 
right and wrong beliefs. I know it's not as easy as snapping your fingers but you have to get your mind 
used to doing this. 

Now if we talk about those negative beliefs which have already become the part of our belief system 
how to get rid of them? 

For sure it's not an easy job to get rid of them because our mind has got used to them but where 
there's a will there's a way. 

The best thing to do in this scenario is to adapt the" QUESTIONING". Make your mind realize about the 
right and the wrong belief, furnish both right and the wrong belief to your mind and explain the 



8 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

advantages of the right belief and the disadvantages of the wrong one then ask question to your mind 
about the different significance factors of the both beliefs in your life and let your mind to evaluate. 

Trust me it's the best weapon I've ever come across just by practicing it for a few weeks you will see 
yourself how your mind starts choosing the right beliefs. 

Beliefs & Faiths 

Beliefs & faiths are strongly connected to each other. Belief system is an important factor of our 
physical reality therefore when we adapt a belief then our mind starts to conforming it and as soon as 
our mind get used to it, it becomes our faith consciously or unconsciously. Finally this faith becomes 
really stronger that we start to analyze and evaluate our daily life things with this faith and this faith 
compels our mind and our senses to see, hear, feel and find things accordingly. 

Let's say, Mr. Farhan has adapted the belief about the existence of Black Magic & Demons and every 
wrong thing that happens caused by these evil factors. Now by and by the his mind would start to 
conforming this belief and once the mind get used to this belief it would become his faith and at last 
this faith would always compel his mind to see any happenings as a result caused by these evil factors 
(Black Magic & Demons). 

Sometimes faiths like this become really strong that people start to hallucinate. This only happens 
because of our ill faiths that compel our mind and sense and have them have the rides of 

To prove of the power of belief you may do a simple technique. Just sit quietly at a pleasant place and 
focus your mind towards your right hand and start to belief as if it's getting hot and believe me after 
couple of minutes you will start to feel the temperature of your hand is rising. 

It's faith that had always helped mankind when they used it the right way. Yes it's only faith that the 
messengers, saints, monks, gurus created miracles and have always defeated the evil. 

There's no harm to believe in the existence of evils like (Black Magic & Demons) but believing that 
every wrong happening is a result of these evils is not wise. This mind set would only lead you towards 
the trap of Negative Belief System and you would become psychological and spiritual ill. 



9 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Blessings & Curses 

You definitely have come across some people in your life that are believed to be jinx or have the power 
of curse and can destroy anybody's life with their curses, or whatever they curse would surely happen. 
It's a common happening and I've found so many people having different opinions about different 
people like this jinx and curse stuff and they literally feel scare to say even the righteous things to such 
people because they belief if they curse them they will be destroyed. 

What the heck! 

Believe me your negative believe system playing with you. You come to know about a person who's 
believed to have powers to curse anybody and this why people remain really cautious with him/her. 

Don't you think it's a belief as well??? 

So you adapt the belief consciously or unconsciously now every time if the particular person curses 
you, your own belief system and your faith will create a reality for you where you find the happenings 

How beliefs create realities 

Well let me explain with the help of an illustration that how our beliefs create our reality 
See the next page for the illustration! 



10 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Look at this picture what do you see? 

Don't move towards the next page until you're sure of what you see! 

11 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

As an adult you most possibly saw an erotic image of a woman in the arms of a man. You saw this 
figure because you are aware of what sex is, and have been exposed to sexual images throughout 
your life. 

However this picture is an optical illusion. 

At other hand when children are asked what the picture shows, they say nine (small & black) dolphins 
and cannot see the erotic figure! 

As young children are not aware of sex, their belief systems only allow for them to see things which 
they think are possible. Since they are not aware of sex, there's no possibility for them and therefore 
does not exist. 

Now that you are aware there are dolphins in the picture, try and find them. 

I See Dolphins! 

So what has happened here? 

This image shows you reasonably factually how your beliefs selectively filter your reality and therefore 
determine what you see and experience. 

The Reality of Beliefs 

Without one piece of fundamental information (i.e. the existence of dolphins) a portion of reality 
associated with that information is not visible to you. In other words, had not known there were 
dolphins in the picture you most probably would not have noticed them. But once you are aware of 
this information, your awareness of reality gets develop and now you can see both the erotic figure 
and the dolphins. 



12 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Negative Beliefs Negative Reality... 

Imagine about the implications of this in daily life.... 

If your beliefs influence what you see and experience, how are the beliefs you currently hold 
determining your own reality? 

What May Seem Impossible to One Person May Seem Possible to another It is also important to make 
sure that your beliefs are yours and yours alone. 

Many of your beliefs are created or influenced by TV and other people. 

However these beliefs often give us an artificial vision of reality and only serve to limit your own 
beliefs, or make you believe things that are not true. 

Learning From Beliefs... 

What we learn from the dolphin picture is that your beliefs have an enormous influence on shaping 
your reality. 

Disadvantages of Negative Believe System 

Negative believe system makes your spiritual body weaker and unfortunately it's the high time for evil 
to overcome you either its black magic, demons, evil spirit or any other evil body. Evil bodies always 
search for the victims with weak spiritual body. When you conform negative belief system you're 
actually making your spiritual body weak which is supposed to be a protector against evil and when 
your protector becomes weak evil finds it's a real easy to take over. At other hand even if you're not 
taken over by evil but your negative belief system lead you towards psychological problems and 
become spiritually restless, feeling nervousness, anxiety, depression and many other problems. 



13 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Negative Thoughts 

One of the major spiritual diseases that attack because of negative belief system is negative thoughts 
which are supposed to be the root of all other issues. Negative thoughts can be of many kinds, ex. 
Unknown fears, phobias, incredulity on everybody, making wrong opinions about people, always 
looking the darker sides, looking for negative in anything, not being appreciative & generous and 
many similar issues. Once you get used to negative thoughts the next step will be negative actions. 
When you make negative opinions about someone you keep thinking about him/her and keep making 
plans to harm him/her in some way and let's say if something wrong happens with him/her you will 
feel joy in yourself. When you being incredulous you won't share your issues and problems with 
others, as a result you will take wrong decisions and make trouble for yourself and for others as well 
or otherwise will be depressed and get into other psychological problems. When think negative of 
everything won't be able to take any task and fulfill it or otherwise choose the negative way to fulfill 
it. People with a negative belief system either consider themselves to be very positive, reasoner and 
wise or think to be very naive, godforsaken and oppressed. Inferiority or superiority complex can be 
easily seen in these types of people. 

Psychological and Spiritual Disease 

There are three important works of our mind:- 

1. To Think 

2. To Feel 

3. To Intention 

And all these three have two aspects constructive and destructive or you may say one is healthy and 
other is sick. Our bodies have two important things material and spirit/soul. Material is used for the 
creation of our physical body and spirit vibrates it or in easy words our spirit gives it life. Now there 
are two more thing plays important role in this vibrating physical body or lively body which are 
Organism and Mind/Spirit so if your physical body is healthy you're organic healthy and if you're 
Mind/Spirit is sick you're spiritually ill or psychologically/mentally ill. 

There's a factory in human body in which emotions are created and emotion needs the raw material of 
thinking, feeling and intentions for its creation. 

Now what if the raw material is defected? 

Surely the emotions will be cheap, dirty, destructive and negative. 



14 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

But what if the raw material is of good quality? 

Surely the emotions will be positive and constructive. 

If we think over carefully we come to know that negative belief system can only provide us the 
defected raw material of Thinking, Feeling & Intention. And positive belief system provide us good 
quality raw material of Thinking, Feeling & Intention. 

Chronic spiritual & psychological diseases leads you towards organic sickness at other hands there are 
only few people I come across which becomes spiritual and psychological sick because of chronic 
organic diseases. 

If we ponder deeply we come to know that there are definitely psychological/spiritual aspects behind 
almost every sickness but if you right away mention this fact to them they will runaway and mistrust 
you. If you say a sick person right away that you're not sick it's only because of spiritual/psychological 
disorder then surely he/she will be puzzled so try to make him/her understand slowly by keeping in 
view his/her temperament so that he/she gets encouraged and only then advice the solution and 

Unfortunately we really feel the absence of such healers who can listen to the patients carefully by 
keeping in view their temperament, their background with kindness and help them and motivate them 
to transform their hopelessness to inspirations. Generally these types of patients are prescribed 
antidepressants and sleeping pills and when they become tired of using them as of no improvements 
in overall situation they wander here and there and entrapped by QUACK saints, sufis, hermits, gurus. 

Some say there are hundreds of demons following you or it's because of some bad spirits and the 
easiest thing is to say BLACK MAGIC has been casted on you and the game starts and QUACKS start to 
rip them off and ask for money time by time. They give some talismans to bury in a grave or show 
them voodoo doll or any absurd things like this and do the foolish treatments. No doubt the patient 
starts to feel better and sometimes much better because for the time being he adapts a temporary 
belief that I'll be cured by all this and thus his belief creates a temporary reality of relief. 

But for how long? 

At last because of all these negative and foolish treatments the patient gets more spoiled and filled 
with negativity. Sadly the patient goes to these QUAKCS for a treatment of single issues and they 
bump him/her into the swamp of issues. 



15 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 


There are two type of demons can be found these days one is DEMON and other is INNOCENT DEMON, 
Confused? Ok... let me explain you the difference. 

If we basically talk about our society INDO-PAK so we come to know of many cases where a person is 
possessed by a demon and these types of cases can be found more with women as compared to men. 

Actually women are gentle-sex filled with oversubtle & feeble emotions sometimes and complicated 
and there more fear factor in them because they are gentle and they are created like this. 

Demons don't have any other things to do that they always try to possess a women? 

When a person can't express his/her feelings, emotions and find nobody to share or otherwise is 
neglected then he/she becomes frustrated, start to suffocate, feel the inferiority or sometimes choose 
to prove his/her self with wrong ways therefore both the situations are not good. 

People who get neglected always search for attention, they want to be noticed, and they want to be 
heard and this situation if remain constant makes them spiritual/psychologically sick and if proper 
attention can't be given they start to get physically ill, get phobias, different fears and these phobias 
&fears influence their belief system and make it fragile and once the belief system is weak the faith 
and then the spiritual body automatically get weak and evil can overcome easily. 

Now if we talk about the other scenario where people choose to prove their selves the wrong way 
then the INNOCENT DEMON is a kind of this wrong way. Because the INNOCENT DEMON makes the 
patient do weird and absurd things and this makes him/her noticeable. People start to get scared of 
them because what if the INNOCENT DEMON become angry they will be in trouble, afterall demon is 
demon. These types of patient don't need any medication or treatment but attention and love because 
once they start to realize that people do care about them, they do love them the innocent demon 
slowly go away and stop making mischief. An important thing if you come to know that a particular 
person is not possessed by a demon but an innocent demon then don't let him/her know that you have 
been introduced to the innocent demon otherwise the situation will become more complicated and 
they may put their selves into more psychological issues and phobias that may really take a longer 
time to heal. Always show your best endurance to help them get rid of their INNOCENT DEMON. 

Well so far so good. By explaining the INNOCENT DEMON I no way claim that demons don't exist but I 
tried to the explain the difference between the outer demons and inner demons so that it becomes 
easy for you to diagnose and treat. 

Some people use their INNOCENT DEMON for their evil wishes, because they want to be superior, 
want people to dance around them and follow their orders, they possess a dirty and evil belief system 



16 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

and are entirely different from those who choose to use their INNOCENT DEMON because they are 
neglected. People who use their INNOCENT DEVIL for fun and evil purposes are also spiritual/mental 
sick but it's a real hard nut to crack if you talking about their treatment because their mind has got 
used to an evil belief system, they are used to be believed as superior, they love to throw orders on 
others and make them dance like slaves and in this situation when someone say a single righteous 
thing it hurts their evil ego. Basically the only religion & beliefs system they follow, is to fulfill their evil 

It takes months, sometimes years to bring them back to the righteous path or otherwise they remain 
alone in life later and repent. 

It's really important to figure out the background and circumstances before diagnosis between these 
two subcategories of Innocent Demon. 

Few years ago a devotee called me and informed about her uncle's daughter who was possessed by a 
DEMON and that she does some extremely weird type of things such as barking like dogs etc. When I 
probed further I came to know that his uncle was a well-off person and tried different psychiatrists but 
no success they also went to some QUAKCS occultists, gurus and spiritual healers, who made different 
stories of this possession and asked for money, black lamps and cow to remove all this but anyway 
they all failed no success at all. 

After I was highly insisted I agreed to visit his uncle and the possessed girl. When I reached there I was 
given a warmed welcome and they didn't leave any stones until to prove their hospitality. One by one 
individually I gather & probe the information I required from all the family members and derived my 
result and told them to follow my instructions accordingly whatever it would be. At last I call the 
possessed girl and generally talked to her a few minutes and after that she was tied with ropes on a 
chair on my request. Anyways, I started to recite something and blew on girl as soon I did the face 
impressions of the girls started to get change and she started to behave in the same manner as I was 
told before (Barking like dogs, making the sounds of wolves and abusing using vulgar language etc.). 
The demon told his name SHANKER and I let him play as much as he could because I wanted him to be 
tired and after some minutes it finally happened, DEMON SHANKER finally got tired and kept on 
groaning and making sounds in a slow voice. At that time I asked everybody to leave the room and 
had HAROON (My Devotee) to stay in the room with me. When everybody left I grabbed a chair and 
sit in front of the girl and told her that now everybody had left the room and whatever we would talk 
would remain between you and me so now you and me, we both knows that NO SHANKER DEMON 
exists and if in this situation I left the room unsuccessful you would lose the game, you would again be 
dragged to different doctors, psychiatrists, QUACK spiritual gurus, occultists and many more and you 
would never be able to fulfill the goal for which you appeared DEMON SHANKER. But yes if you 
cooperate with me I assure you to help you to the last. Now what, after listening all this DEMON 
SHANKER suddenly went into deep shock for a few minutes and he kept on looking to my face and 
suddenly started to cry but that was not shanker who was crying. Anyways I pacified her and gave her 
a glass of water and asked her to be comfortable and start to tell me why she was using the 



17 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

INNOCENT DEMON. She told me that she had done masters in mass communication but since her 
family is a business type family they don't oblige and appreciate the need of education and wanted 
the girl to get married with one of her cousin who even didn't see the collage and was a grade 10 th 
failed but a millionaire. Even after a great opposition from girl they forcefully fixed and did the 
engagement ceremony. So when she found no other way she used the INNOCENT DEVIL and become 
obsessed with it. Well that was a complete unjust act of her parents, I mean no well educated girl 
would ever prefer to marry a non-educated guy. 

Anyways after a long discussion and beating about bushes I finally made them agree that they must 
do whatever the SHANKER DEMON is saying because he's an innocent demon after all, and will surely 
leave the girl after her marriage of her choice. And from my side I assure them to trust me and our 
creator as everything would be alright and fine. 

Today that girl is married to a doctor and got two sons and 1 daughter. This was a short but real story 
to make you understand one of the scenarios when INNOCENT DEMON possess. 



18 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Real Demonic Possession and Disruption 

There are many reasons that why a person become possessed and disrupted by demons. Many times 
DEMONS possess and disrupt to revenge for if they know that someone tried to hurt them and disturb 
them and in these situations they don't only disrupt the particular person but all the related persons 
EX. Family members. 

It's highly advisable not to right away pee in jungles, roads, mountains, seashores or anywhere else 
like this. Wise people always say that if you feel like pee during travel always mention it that you're 
going to pee so if anybody is around please leave the place. 

There are some other important reasons of the possession and disruption of demons given below:- 

1. Woman going bareheaded outside home 

2. Negligence of purity and purification in home 

3. Woman & Small children going to roof at the time of sunset 

4. Pregnant woman sitting under trees and going outside after sunset 

5. Leaving small children alone in a room 

6. Going from a unpurified places such as garbage dumps and similar places 

7 . Negative belief systems and Weak faith on creator 

8. Negligence of Ha ram Acts 

9. No Quran Recitation and Prayers In Home 

10. Developing so much interest about Evil & Demons 

11. Chronic spiritual and psychological disease (because they makes your spiritual body weaker) 

12. Being close to a person who's already possessed 

13. Doing different chants, occult practices without the guidance of any teacher/guru 

Demons are also sent on the will of magician in black magic we'll talk 
about it letter. As for now remember always that prevention is always 
better than cure. 



19 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 


It's true but not compulsory that demons should always posses, normally they disrupt you in 
different manners. Below are few of the important symptoms I'd like to highlight. 

1. Feeling constant burden over head and headaches 

2. Feeling lethargic all the time 

3. Feeling unease while reciting Quran and offering prayer 

4. Feeling uncertain fears specially when it's about to sunset & in nights 

5. Feeling burden and unknown heaviness on your shoulders 

6. Really poor appetite 

7 . Getting angry on little things and being peevish and grumpy 

8. Unknown disappointments and feel like suicide 

9. Unknown weird thoughts that you don't like 

10. Deep personality changes. For example, someone stays at home all the time when 
they used to be very gregarious. 

11. Sudden weight loss, becoming pale and getting dark circles 

12. A disease that medical science is not aware of 

13. Feeling something touch you, scratch you, or otherwise attack you. 

14. Hearing one or multiple voices in your head that are negative, persuasive, or 
commanding you to do something. For example, hearing a voice persuade you that a 
certain friend should be avoided, or asking you to let them "in" to your life in some 

15. Any kind of phenomena. For example, scratching sounds, things falling off walls or 
shelves, religious or spiritual items being moved or changed. 

16. Feeling hatred amongst family members and unnecessary fights over little things 

Demons can also be sent on the will of magicians. Black magicians send the demons that they have 
invoked so far and send to disturb people, creating hatred between husband & wife, making someone 
sick, making someone scare etc. 

Something more about this Chapter 

Alike human there are good demons and there are evil demons. Evil demons start to revenge and 
disrupt humans over as little things as aforementioned above. Good demons have their nutrition from 
bones and evil demons have their nutrition from bones, poops (shit) and garbage. Good demons love 
the fragrances and purification but evil demons love the smells and unpurified places, people. When 
throw the bones or dump in garbage you left in your meal always recite "Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir 
Raheem" so that it becomes the nutrition of Good demons not evil ones. 



20 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Succubus & Incubus 

It's a type of evil demons that are really fond of adultery and to fulfill this they victimize human while 
sleeping. In different languages and cultures there are different names of Succubus & Incubus. They 
normally come into action after 12 midnight and victimize human while they are sleeping and do the 
adultery in a dream state and become the reason of whatever you call it (Night Fall, Wet Dream) or 
anything else. While doing adultery they suck the life energy/life force which is one of the essential 
energy human posses. Their female victimize males and males victimize females this is why it's highly 
advisable to recite "Ayatul Kursi 3 times", "Surah-e-Falaq & Nas 3 times", "Surah Ikhlas 3 times", 
"Surah-e-Kafiron 3 times" and blow on yourself before going to bed. 

People into black magic do the invocation of these demons and use them for their own evil purposes 

and in return fulfill their desire 

of adultery with them. 

These demons are 

'found to be more interested in the males and females who are i 


pornography and other immoral sexual behaviors. When they find their desired victims they make 
him/her used to them once they are used to then a time comes that they start to give him/her signs of 
their presence while in a awaken state and slowly appear in front of them and fulfill their evil desires 
by sucking up the life energy from the victim. 

These cases are reported in the west because in the east if something like this happen with a girl she 
avoids and feel it shameful to share this with anyone or even if she shares her family scolds and 
hushes the matter up and don't give any attention towards it. 

Unfortunately there's real information available out there so far about this particular topic in our 
society and people avoid to discuss these things don't know why. 



21 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

In early 2005 a same case came into my knowledge and the victim was living in U.S but actually 
belonged to Pakistan. According to her it started when she was 17. Initially she started to have wet 
dreams thrice or twice in a week and sometimes entire week in a row. Slowly she started to become 
weak and started to enjoy the dreams and after that the demon started to gave signs to her, 
sometimes by touching, blowing like air and all this. She got really scared and talked with her mother 
and same thing happened as I told you above, she was scolded and family thought it's because she 
was growing up so they fixed her marriage within a year without realizing the intensity of the matter. 
But this was not going to stop, after marriage she migrated U.S to her husband and within a few 
months the demon started to possess the husband every night and do the adultery in wildish and 
abusive manners. As I told you before these demons suck life energy so at the age of 22 she was weak 
like old lady, she got arthritis, cervical spondylosis and high B.P. Anyways she somehow came to know 
about me and contacted me after the treatment of around a year she finally got rid of this thing. 

These days over internet if you search for the particular topic "Succubus & Incubus" you should come 
with a hell of results about this topic and the Black Magicians and Devil Worshipers has presented it 
as an entirely different phenomenon. They lure you to invoke these demons with different type of evil 
practices published over internet and present these demons as nymphs of heavens and encourage you 
all the way by furnishing their and other devil worshipers experiences about the joy and pleasure you 
would have by doing adultery with these demons. 

I beg you on the sake of your welfare that please never get trapped by any of the websites, books or 
person ask you to do so because these demons are highly life energy sucker and once you're trapped it 
will be next to impossible for you to get out of this and will only repent entire your life. And if 
somehow you have been already lured someway so stop right away and ask Forgiveness from your 
creator before it's too late. 



22 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

The Reality of Black Magic 

The existence of black magic can't be denied. Every religion admits the existence of black magic and 
considers it as an evil thing. 

Basically black magic is a religion init selves and one who practice it have to embrace it and have to 
follow the rulings in it. Ex. Believing in EVIL BEINGS & their powers, following their instructions. Some 
of the black magic rituals and ceremonies can't be completed until the practitioner does the adultery 
and remain unpurified for 40 days or in some the practitioner has to eat his on poop and do the rituals 
in extreme dirty places like washrooms etc. 

Same like this the talismans of black magic are prepared with semen, menstrual blood, blood of 
Haram Animals such as OWL, DONKY and body parts of different animals such as liver of jenny, eyes of 
oil and many others are used for different type of black magic. 

Black Magician fixes guardians for every black magic ritual, ceremony or any other evil invocation or 
in easy words by taking the help of evil guardians because if they don't make guardians and don't 
take their help the magic will be useless. 

Who the guardians are? 

Well evil guardians are bad demons, evil spirits, evil beings practitioner invokes them and take their 
help. Normally black magicians remain unable to have any offspring or in some cases male offspring 
it's because of the guardians they invoke, because when they invoke them an agreement is being 
made between magician and guardians and the most asked demand by the guardians is that magician 
have to remain without any child or male child so even if the magician tries a thousand times he won't 
get children at all. If later the magician doesn't follow the agreement the guardians will start to 
disrupt and destroy him. 

As I told you before as well that demons are also sent on the will of magician to fulfill their evil desires. 



23 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

There are a lot of things done by the help of Black Magic 

1. Creating hatred between husband & Wife 

2. Creating hatred between any relation (Brother, Sister, Son Mother or any) 

3. Destroy the business of victim 

4. Making a women infertile 

5. Making a man unable to have sex 

6. Making someone sick 

7 . Attracting a male or female towards you to fulfill your evil desires 

And many others things but again it doesn't mean to throw every issue in the court of black magic or 
as an outcome of black magic it's surely not wise to do so. As I told you before people with negative 
belief system often do that and I've mostly come across more woman than man because they are 
rather superstitious. 

Symptoms of Black Magic 

1. Finding unknown and uncertain holes in your cloths like some bug did it 

2. Tearing of trousers/pants from the fly area more often 

3. Disease that medical science is not aware of or not sure of 

4. Chest pains 

5. Headaches 

6. Joint pains 

7 . Feeling lethargic all the time 

8. Feeling as if you're eyes burning and eyes remain red 

9. Feeling really itchy all over the body or feel like someone's needling your body 

10. Feeling really high body temperature that comes normal in thermometers 

And other symptoms are related to the symptoms of Demonic Possession & Disruption. 

It's really important to do the treatment of demonic possessions/disruptions and black magic, because 
the more the treatment delays the more they makes their roots strong in the human body and a time 
comes when they completely rooted and it becomes impossible to cure them. 



24 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Diagnosis of Demonic Possession/Disruption & 

Black Magic 

The first thing that comes is the right diagnosis. For the diagnosis purposes I'm going to teach some 
very easy methods so even a common reader with no experience can make the most of these methods. 

Method #1 

Do the ablution (waddo) and take the unclean shirt of the patient which was worn by him/her for 
atleast 12 hours. Now measure the length of the shirt from up to down when done recite the first 
Surah (1 st chapter) of QURAN "Al Fatiha" (The Opening) 70 times and blow on the shirt of the patient 
and then again measure the length of the shirt from up to down. If the measurements increase or 
decrease it means that the black magic or demonic possession & disruption is present but If the 
measurements remain same then there's nothing to be worried about. 

Method #2 

Do the ablution (waddo) and Measure 11 strings of blue woolen from head to toe of the patient and 
now give four folds to the 11 strings. Now recites Surah-e-AI-Falaq (113 th chapter) and give a knot to 
the tip of the folded strings and while knotting blow in the knot. Repeat the same knotting method 
and give another knot after the first knot (repeat the whole method and do the knotting while reciting 
Surah-e-AI-Falaq and blowing in the knot) now make total 11 knots the same way. When done burn 
the knotted strings on coils/wood not over gas or electric stove, when they will be burnt they will 
produce a particular type of burnt woolen smell if this smell is not produced from the strings it means 
that black magic or demonic possession & disruption is present. 



25 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #3 

Do the ablution (waddo) and offer two rakaat namaz (salaat) with the intention (niyyat) of salaat-ul- 
istekhara and keep in mind your question that if the particular patient is suffering from black magic or 
demonic possession and disruption. Now when after "SANA" recite Surah Al-Fatiha (first chapter of 
QURAN) and when come to ayah U2 of this particular surah which is "I H DIN US SIRAAT AL 
MUSTAQEEM" keep reciting it after a few minutes you will realize that you're turned towards right or 
left. If turned towards left no black magic & demonic possession and disruption is present otherwise if 

turned towards right then yes its present. 

Method #4 

Do the ablution (waddo) and measure a single string of silk thread from top to toe of the patient and 
when done recite any darood shareef 11 times, then recite Surah Al-Muzzamil (chapter 73 of QURAN) 
and then again recite any darood shareef 11 times. Now measure the string again if the 
measurements remain same then no magic or demonic possession & disruption is present if the 
measurements increases or decreases then yes its present. 

Method #5 

Do the ablution (waddo) and take the unclean shirt of the patient which was worn by him/her for 
atleast 12 hours. Now measure the length of the shirt from up to down when done recite the first 
Surah (1 st chapter) of QURAN "Al Fatiha" (The Opening) 7 times. Recite Surah Al-Falaq (chapter 113 of 
QURAN) 3 times. Recite Surah-e-An-Naas (Chapter 114 of QURAN) 3 times and Recite Ayatul Kursi 3 
times and blow on the shirt of the patient and then again measure the length of the shirt from up to 
down. If the measurements increase or decrease it means that the black magic or demonic possession 
& disruption is present but If the measurements remain same then there's nothing to be worried 




26 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Ayatul Kursi 

< 1*3 

lalp jJI b ^ \yoVl 4 oj^JI 4 £ <J 

». ~oi 

-> * 

i/ , / J /< ^ 

VJ * ;4»fc £', i±jl\^Cfta -St 


Allah, none is worthy of worship except He,the Hayyul 
Qayyoom (the ever-living, the One who sustains and protec ts 
all that exists). Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. 

To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth. Who 
is there that can intercede before Him except by His permission? 
He knows what happens to them before them and behind 
them. And they will never encompass anything of His 
knowledge except that which He wills. His throne extends 
over the heavens and earth. And He feels no fatigue in 
Guarding them. And He is Most High, Most Great. 



27 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Treatment of Black Magic & Demonic Possession & 


Before we go ahead towards the methods of treatment I'd like you to first read and understand few 
key points to make the treatment more powerful and significant. 

1. Whatever methods mention in this book required the performer to do ablution (waddo) before 
performing any of them. 

2. Must do the Spiritual Protection (will be told later about how to do it) before conducting any 
method mentioned in this book 

3. Do the charity of Rs. 101 PKR or buy some food to the poor with the money before conducting 
the methods mentioned in this book. 

During treatment of black magic & demonic possession and disruption it's considered very significant 
to do the charity (SADQA) by and by on the behalf of the patient. 



28 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Charity (SADQA) 

Either its black magic, demonic possession or any other disease charity is considered a very important 
factor. Charity (Sadqa) saves you from eviieye, hatred, envy, physical and spiritual diseases, evil 
diseases, and increase your health, wealth and success unlimited. 

There are many ways and methods to give general charity (Sadqa) and I'm going to explain them. 

1. Buy some meal to poor 

2. Buy some cloths to poor 

3. Give some money to poor 

The charity (Sadqa) which is considered and highly advisable while the treatment of evil dieses is to 
give food to the animals and I'm going to explain how you can do so. 

With the use of four basic elements the charity (Sadqa) is given and according to the element of the 

1. Element Fire: - Giving food to Carnivorous animals such as (meats, liver, lungs, fish etc.) 

2. Element water: - Giving food to sea animals such as (floor balls, boiled rice etc.) 

3. Element Air: - Giving food to birds such as (millet, wheat, water etc.) 

4. Element Earth: - Giving food to insects such as (sugar, rise, lentil etc.) 

Now you must be thinking how to find out the element of the patient so it's quite simple, below the 
method is mentioned to find out the element and how to give Charity (Sadqa) Then. 



29 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Find the personality element according to your start from the chart given below 

1. Fire: - Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius 

2 . Earth: - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 

3 . Air: - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 

4 . Water: - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 

Now always give the charity (Sadqa) of the opposite element. Let's say your birth star is VIRGO so your 
personality element is EARTH the charity (Sadqa) should be given of the element Air. Below is a chart 
which will help you understand more. 

For the element fire people the best charity (Sadqa) is element water. 

For the element water people the best charity (Sadqa) is element fire. 

For the element air people the best charity (Sadqa) is element water. 

For the element water people the best charity (Sadqa) is element air. 

Before giving the charity (Sadqa) place the right hand of the patient on the charity (Sadqa) and recite 
make dua to Allah izzo jalfor his well being and recite the Ayat given below 7 times and then give out 
the charity (Sadqa). 





30 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Spiritual Protection Method 

Do the ablution (waddo) and recite any da rood shareef 11 times, 3 times Surah Al-Fatiha (first chapter 
of QURAN), 3 times Surah Al-Kauser (Chapter 108 of Quran), 3 times Surah Al-Kafiroon (chapter 109 of 
QURAN), 3 times and Surah Al-lkhlas (Chapter 112 of QURAN), 3 times Surah Al-Falaq (Chapter 113 Of 
Quran), 3 times Surah An-Naas (Chapter 114 of QURAN), 3 times Ayatul Kursi (you may find it on 
above pages), then recite any darood shareef 11 times. Now blow on your hands and move your hands 
on your entire body from top to toe. Now you're spirituality protected and may conduct any of the 

treatment method mentioned in this book. 



31 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Easy Cure 

Now you're going to learn the easy and empirical treatments of black magic & demonic possession 
and disruptions. Always remember that good faith on both healers and patients end plays an essential 
role in every spiritual treatment/healing. It takes less time to heal a patient who has good faith on 
Allah izzo jal then a patient who has already lost his hope, infact patients with less or very less hop 

takes months to be healed. 

Believe me if you have a strong faith then only the last 2 chapters of QURAN (AL-FALAQ & AN-NAAS) 
are enough for you to heal you from any evil disease but if you have less hope and faith then the 
fountain of youth is even not enough to heal you. 

Patients faith, courage and will play an essential role in any type of healing although I understand 
that because of evil disease and negative belief system these abilities get weak but I really would like 
to do my humble request to fight, cleanse your belief system and make your faith stronger in yourself 
in your creator and you will see yourself how your creator fills your life with unlimited health and 
peace. This has been my prayer for all of you and will always be. 



32 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #1 

(for the treatment of black magic & Demonic Possession & Disruption) 

Required items: -12 White ceramic plates, 1 new ink pen, some saffron or yellow food color, 

half cup of rose water, 1 big water bucket. 

First of all dissolve the saffron or food color in the rose water (Remember if you're using saffron 
dissolve it and leave it over night). Now do the spiritual protection and keep all the items near you. 
Now dip the pen into the solution and on a plate write the surah as given below. 

First of all write 

Then write 

* > < it i * 9 

Then write Surah AL-Fatiha, Surah Al-Kafiroon, Surah Al-lkhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, Surah An-Naas. 

(Remember don't just write Surah-e-Fatiha Or Surah-e-lkhlas here I mean to write the complete surah 

in Arabic from QURAN) 

One plate is ready now write all the plates the same way 



33 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Now fill the bucket with clean water and dip all the plates in the bucket and clean the plates, once 
cleaned moved them out from the bucket. The purified water is ready. Now fill 2 bottles (around 1 liter 
capacity each) with this purified water and leave remaining water in the bucket as it is. Ask the 
patient to make ablution (waddo) with the bucket (Remember that water should not be spilled on the 
floor or anywhere else but in the bucket). Now make the patient stand in the bucket in the purified 
water and pour the water on the patient slowly and gently (Remember that water should not be 
spilled on the floor or anywhere else but in the bucket) do this for few minutes and then throw the 
water into the sea, river, pond or in flower pots/garden etc. (Don't drain the water in drain and 

unpurified places) 

Now this is how you will use the 2 bottles of water we had already taken out. 

Sprinkle water from one bottle to every corner of your home once daily (Remember don't sprinkle the 
water in the corner of unpurified places such as toilet etc.). When you feel the water is getting finished 

add some more water in the bottle. 

Drink 3 sips of the water after reciting "Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem" from the second bottle 
with every Azaan (Prayer calling). When you feel the water is getting finished add some more water in 

the bottle. 

Note: - it's not compulsory that some other person must pour the water on patient, adults and woman 
can do this themselves just be careful when pouring that water shouldn't be spilled on the floor. If in 
case there is more than one patient so there's no need to write 12 plates individually, in this case write 
12 plates and use more water to clean them so that the water will become enough for everyone. 

Use the water for drinking and sprinkling for 40 days and also download the composition of different 
Ayah and Surah from QURAN named as "MANZIL" and recite it daily and blow on the patient. 



34 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #2 

(for the treatment of black magic) 

Patients do this method themselves if they can't do themselves ask some other to do it and sit in front 

of them. 

First of all recite 

Then recite any darood shareef 101 times, Surah Yaseen 3 times, Surah Al Falaq 3 times, Surah An-Naas 
3 times, Surah-e-lkhlas 3 times and any darood shareef 101 times. Blow on the patient and blow on a 
bottle of water and drink that water all the day by and by. 

(Note: - do this method after Fajar Prayer) 

Duration: - do this method for 21 days continuously without any gap. 



35 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #3 

(for the treatment of black magic) 

Items: - a branch of pomegranate tree, some saffron or yellow food color, half cup of rose 


Make the solution for writing as mentioned in method 1. 

Trim the branch of pomegranate and make a pen with it. Take two white paper parchments and first 

of all write 

With the branch pen and the solution then write Surah Al-Fatiha then recite the ayah (verse) #4 of 
Surah Al-Fatiha 1001 times and blow on both talismans. Now you have two talismans. 

Put one talisman in a water bottle and patient should drink this water with every Azaan (prayer 
calling). When you feel the water is getting finished fill the bottle again. Drink this water for 41 days. 

Now wrap the second talisman with a white transparent tape and sew in a white cotton cloth and 
make patient wear it in the neck with a black thread. 



36 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #4 

(for disease that is because of black magic) 

Patients do this method themselves if they can't do themselves ask some other to do it and sit in front 

of them. 

First of all recite 

i'' ' <A-' -sf -‘ t 

5 tJ h y * u i i 

Then recite any darood shareef 11 times, Surah Al-Fatiha 70 times and name of Allah izzo jal "YA 
SHAFI'O" 309 times. Blow on the patient and blow on a bottle of water and drink that water all the day 

by and by. 

Duration: - do this method for 21 days continuously without any gap. 



37 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #5 

(for the treatment of black magic) 

Patients do this method themselves if they can't do themselves ask some other to do it and sit in front 

of them. 

First of all recite 

O 1 ~ 

5 'C|| t 5 -m II L + 

Then recite any darood shareef 101 times, the ayah (verse) given below 450 times, 

Surah Al-Falaq 66 times, Surah An-Naas 66 times, and any darood shareef 101 times. Blow on the 
patient and blow on a bottle of water and drink that water all the day by and by. 

Duration: - do this method for 19 days continuously without any gap. 



38 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #6 

(for the treatment of black magic) 

Patients do this method themselves if they can't do themselves ask some other to do it and sit in front 

of them. 

Recite any darood shareef 111 times, recite "Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem" 786 times, recite the 
first five ayah (verses) of Surah Al-Baqrah 1 time, recite last five ayah (verses) of Surah Al-Baqrah 1 
time, recite last 3 ayah (verses) of Surah Al-Hashar 1 time, recite any darood shareef 11 times. Blow on 
the patient and blow on a bottle of water and drink that water all the day by and by. 

Duration: - do this method for 21 days continuously without any gap. Once done write all the above 
mentioned Surah & Ayah (verses) on a white paper parchment fold it and wrap with a transparent tape 
and sew in a white cotton cloth and use black thread to make patient wear in his/her neck. 



39 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #7 

If or impotency because of black magic) 

Items: -1 ceramic plate, red food color, 1 ink pen, rose water. 

Prepare the solution for writing as mentioned in method ttl. 
Now first of all write on the ceramic plate with the solution 

Then write Surah Al-Bayyina (Chapter 98 of QURAN). When done pour some water on the plate and 

clean the writing and drink that water. 

Duration: - Do this method for 41 days. 



40 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #8 

(for impotency because of black magic) 

Items: -1 ceramic plate, red food color, 1 ink pen, rose water and honey. 

Prepare the solution for writing as mentioned in method ttl. 
Now first of all write on the ceramic plate with the solution 

Then write the ayah (Verse) 15 of Surah An-Nisa (chapter 4 ofquran) then pour a teaspoon of honey 
over the plate clean the plate with the honey and then lick the honey from the plate. 

Duration: - Do this method for 21 days. 



41 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #9 

(For problems in business because of black magic) 

Start this method at the first of any Islamic month after Maghrib prayer. 

Right after performing the Maghrib Salaat sit there and recite any darood shareef 101 times. Surah Al- 

Fatiha 505 times, then recite 1685 times 

J * ** k 

Then recite any darood shareef 101 times. 

Duration: - do this method for 21 days and Insha Allah the black magic will be gone from your 




42 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #10 

(For problems in business because of black magic) 

Items: - OLIBANUM/Frankincense/Loban 

Crush the olibanum finely and recite Surah Al-Falaq 111 times and blow on it. Now some small portion 
of this olibanum daily at your business place and spread the smoke all around. 

Note:- This method can also be performed to remove the black magic from home 



43 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #11 

(For problems in business because of black magic) 

Reach your business place ex. (shop, store, office) before sunrise and recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah 
An-Naas once and blow on the main gate (entrance) of the place. Now move five steps backward, 
remove your shoes and bump the soles of both shoes with each other, and bump 5 times. 

After that do this method. 

Recite any da rood shareef 11 times. Surah Al-Fatiha 7 times, Surah-e- Kafiroon 7 times. Surah Al-lkhlas 
7 times. Surah Al-Falaq 7 times. Surah An-Naas 7 times. Ayah (Verse) 33 of Surah AR-Rahman (chapter 
55 of QURAN) 70 times and any darood shareef 11 times. 

Now blow on a glass of water drink 3 sips of that water and sprinkle the rest in every corner of your 
business place (except the corners of unpurified places such (Washroom, Sink etc). 

Note: - The method of bumping your shoes should only be done 3 days and the other method 

continuous for 30 days. 



44 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #12 

If or impotency and sexual weakness because of 

black magic) 

Right after getting up in the morning make waddo, do the spiritual protection and recite the first Ayah 
(Verse) of An-Nisa (4 th chapter of QURAN) and blow on a chicken egg. Now boil that chicken egg and 

eat it. 

Duration: - do this method for 41 days 

Note: - This method can also be performed for the impotency because of physical weakness. 



45 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #13 

(For the removal demonic possession & disruption) 

If before going to bed patient recites Surah At-Tariq (Chapter 86 of QURAN) once daily Insha Allah 
within few weeks the possession and disruption will go away. 



46 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #14 

(For the removal demonic possession & disruption 
from any place such as home, business place etc) 

Recite Ism-e-Allah given below 313 times as "Ya Wali'O" and blow on water and sprinkle that water in 
every corner of the home, business place etc. (except unpurified places such as washroom, bathroom, 
sinks etc). Do this method for a few weeks and Insha Allah possession and disruption will go away. 

Ism-e-Allah to be recited 

J ✓ ✓ 

55. AL-WALI 
The Protecting Friend 



47 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #15 

(For the removal demonic possession & disruption) 

After the Zohr Saiaat/Prayer (Namaz-e-Zohr) ask the patient to lie in a bed and you should stand by 
his head and then recite Surah AN-NASR (Chapter 110 of QURAN) 101 times then blow on the face of 

the patient. 

Duration: - Do this method for 21 days and Insha Allah the possession and disruption will go away. 



48 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #16 

(For the removal demonic possession & disruption) 

Ask the patient to sit in front of you and then recite Surah Al-Fatiha 3 times. Surah Al-Kafiroon once. 
Surah Al-lkhlas once. Surah Al-Falaq Once, Surah An-Naas once and the first five Ayahs (Verses) of 
Surah Al-Jinn (Chapter 72 of QURAN).Then blow on patient and blow on a glass of water ask the 
patient to drink 3 sips and sprinkle rest of the water on patients face. 

Duration: - Do this method for 21 days. 



49 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #17 

(For the removal demonic possession & disruption) 

If there are unnecessary quarrels going on in home and in diagnosis it appears to be the demonic 

possession and disruption then do this method. 

Any darood shareef 101 times. Surah Al-Fatiha 21 times. Surah Al-Falaq 39 times. Surah An-Naas 39 
times. Surah Al-Jinn (Chapter 72 of QURAN) 3 times, then blow on a bottle of water and sprinkle some 
of the water in every corner of the home (except unpurified places such as washroom/bathroom/sinks 
etc) and all the members also drink this water entire the day. 

Duration: - Do this method for 42 days and Insha Allah there will be peace. 



50 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #18 

(For the removal demonic possession & disruption) 

If there are unnecessary quarrels going on in home and in diagnosis it appears to be the demonic 

possession and disruption then do this method. 

After Juma Salaat (Friday Prayer/Namaz) recite the given below ism-e-Allah as "Ya Wadood'O" 1000 
times and blow on the sugar and salt which are used in the home and use the same sugar and salt in 
every food item you eat. When you feel the sugar/salt is getting finished put some more in it. 

Ism-e-Allah to be recited 

J A * 

O C) J ^Jl 

The Loving 

Duration: - do this method every 15 days means the Juma that will come after 15 days of the Juma you 

performed the method. 



51 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #19 

(For the removal of Black Magic & demonic 
possession & disruption) 

Required items: -1 new ink pen, some saffron or yellow food color, half cup of rose water, 
half meters of unstitched black cotton cloth, ceramic oil lamp, half kilogram of mustard oil 

and 100 grams of jasmine oil. 

Prepare the solution for writing as mentioned in method 1. 

Now write 21 talismans (the talisman is given below on the second page) on 21 different white paper 
parchments, and fold them in a way that all the writing should be folded inside in, when done wrap 
the black cotton cloth on all 21 talisman one by one and prepare the talismans. 

(keep in mind that while wrapping the talisman the place where it's written numeric 786 should 
remain a little outside of the cloth, for this you may also mark the talisman while folding them with a 

small mark with a pen or marker) 

Now fill the ceramic lamp with mustard oil and put 9 drops of jasmine oil in it and dip one of the 

talismans in the lamp. 

(Remember that the place where 786 is written and left it remain outside of the cloth will be upside in 
the lamp and it's the place from where you will burn the talisman). 

Now burn the talisman after Maghrib Salaat/Prayer/Namaz and all the family members should sit in 
the same room where it's burning and keep looking the burning talisman. 

(The talisman should take no more than 20 to 30 minutes to burn completely, use fork or spoon to 

move up the talisman to burn it completely) 

Duration: - do this method with all 21 talismans and for 21 days every day after Maghrib 


52 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #19 

(For the removal of Black Magic & demonic 
possession & disruption) 



53 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #20 

(For the removal of Black Magic & demonic 
possession & disruption) 

If the patient feels anxiety, unnecessary fears then write the talisman below in good quantity with the 
solution of Saffron or Yellow food color (instructions to prepare the solution can be found in Method 1) 
and burn 1 talisman whenever the patient feels the same condition and ask him/her to inhale the 


Taweez to be written 

irtii |-til WV it* 


54 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #21 

(For the removal of Black Magic & demonic 
possession & disruption) 

For the protection from black magic & demonic possession and disruption write the taweez below on a 
white paper parchment with the solution of Saffron or Yellow food color (instructions to prepare the 

solution can be found in Method 1) and wrap the talisman with a white transparent tape and sew in a 
white cotton cloth and wear it in the neck with a black thread. 

Talisman to be written 

. i 




aj) r 

^ w £ 

«tb l 






mm T m 






Note: - This talisman can be used generally as well for the protection from these evil diseases 



55 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #22 

(For problems in business, jobs and finance 
because of black magic) 

Daily after Esha Prayer/Saiaat/Namaz recite any darood shareefll times then the Ayahs (Verses) of 
Quran given below 101 times and again recite any darood shareefll times. Insha Allah the situation 

will get better day by day. 

Ayahs (Verses) to be recited 

« f * * 2 * * \ ' iJs ,». 


J \9 

9 i/»x < / p * /i / 

• * •'t k ^ / rtfi. .</ ii . 



56 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #23 

(For problems in business, jobs and finance 
because of black magic) 

Daily after Esha Prayer/Saiaat/Namaz recite any darood shareef 11 times then the Ayahs (Verses) of 
Quran given below 101 times and again recite any darood shareef 11 times. Insha Allah the situation 

will get better day by day. 

Ayahs (Verses) to be recited 

(#3 'feci 



57 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #24 

(For problems in business, jobs and finance 
because of black magic) 

Daily after Esha Prayer/Salaat/Namaz recite any darood shareef 11 times then the Ayahs (Verses) of 
Quran given below 450 times for 45 days daily without any gap. While reciting the Ayahs keep your 

issues in mind and when done make dua. 

Ayahs (Verses) to be recited 



58 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method tt25 

(For any barriers and issue because of black magic) 

Daily after Esha Prayer/Saiaat/Namaz recite any darood shareef 11 times then the Ayahs (Verses) of 
Quran given below 370for 37 days daily without any gap. While reciting the Ayahs keep your issues in 

mind and when done make dua. 

Ayahs (Verses) to be recited 





59 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #26 

(For the removal of black magic & demonic 
possession and disruption) 

It's a very empirical method and patient should do this his/her self. After Fajar prayer/salaat/namaz 
recite the Ayahs (Verses) given below 101 times daily for 30 days. It's very possible that patient may 
feel giddy & nausea whiles this method but doesn't give-up and be brave and completes the duration. 

Ayahs (Verses) to be recited 


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60 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #27 

(For the removal of black magic & demonic 
possession and disruption) 

Recite Surah AL-Baqrah (chapter 2 of QURAN) thrice and blow on a bottle of water. You may recite 
once daily and complete thrice in 3 days but whenever recited once don't forget to blow on the bottle 
of water. Now when done this water can be used for entire life and can be given to different people 
with black magic and demonic possession and disruption. Whenever you feel the water is getting 
finished put some more water and refill the bottle. It's advisable that patient should drink this water 

with every Azaan (Prayer Calling). 



61 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #28 

(For the removal of black magic & demonic 
possession and disruption) 

Required items: -1 White ceramic plate, 1 new ink pen, some saffron or yellow food color, 
half cup of rose water, 200 grams Kalonji Oil (Nigella sativa, black seeds, onion seeds oil). 

Prepare the solution for writing as mention in method 1 above. 

Now write the Ayahs (Verses) 81 and 82 of Surah Yunus (Chapter 10 of QURAN) with the writing 
solution on the ceramic plate. When done pour the Kalonji Oil over it and clean the writings on the 
plate with that oil now leave that plate over night and in the morning remove the oil from the plate 
and place it in a bottle. Now patient daily do the massage with that oil on his/her head and chest and 

drink 5 drops with warm milk. 



62 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #29 

(For the removal of black magic & demonic 
possession and disruption) 


Now recite Surah Al-Kafiroon 7 times. Surah Al-lkhlas 7 times. Surah Al-Falaq 7 times. Surah 

An-Naas 7 times and Ayatul Kursi 7 times. 

Now Blow on a bucket filled with clean water. The purified water is ready. Ask the patient to make 
ablution (waddo) with the bucket (Remember that water should not be spilled on the floor or 
anywhere else but in the bucket). Now make the patient stand in the bucket in the purified water and 
pour the water on the patient slowly and gently (Remember that water should not be spilled on the 
floor or anywhere else but in the bucket) do this for few minutes and then throw the water into the 
sea, river, pond or in flower pots/garden etc. (Don't drain the water in drain and unpurified places) 

Note: - it's not compulsory that some other person must pour the water on patient, adults and woman 
can do this themselves just be careful when pouring that water shouldn't be spilled on the floor. If in 
case there is more than one patient so there's no need to do the method individually for everybody, in 
this case use more water so that the water becomes enough for everyone. 

Note: - Do this method every week. 



63 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #30 

(For the removal of black magic & demonic 
possession and disruption) 

For this method all you need is one white cock. Now sacrifice the cock by saying "Allah Ho Akber" and 
write the words given below on a white paper parchment with its blood. 

Words to be written with the blood of cock 

Now hang the parchment in the patient's bedroom in a way that parchment faces patient's chest. 

Note: - If there are more than one patient no need to sacrifice more than one cock. Just sacrifice one 

cock and write different parchments with its blood. 



64 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #31 

(For the removal of black magic & demonic 
possession and disruption) 

Prepare the solution for writing as mention in method 1 above. 

Now write the talisman given below with the solution on 2 white paper parchment and recite Surah 
Al-Falaq 100 times and blow on both the talismans. Now put one talisman in a bottle of water and 
patient should drink this water with every Azaan (Prayer calling). Wrap the second talisman with a 
transparent tape and sew it in a white cloth and patient should wear it in his/her neck with a black 


Talisman to be written 


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65 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Method #32 

(For the removal of black magic & demonic 
possession and disruption) 

Prepare the solution for writing as mention in method 1 above. 

Now write the talisman given below with the solution on 2 white paper parchment and recite Surah 
AN-Naas 100 times and blow on both the talismans. Now put one talisman in a bottle of water and 
patient should drink this water with every Azaan (Prayer calling). Wrap the second talisman with a 
transparent tape and sew it in a white cloth and patient should wear it in his/her neck with a black 


Talisman to be written 



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66 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Mix Methods 

(For the removal of black magic & demonic 
possession and disruption) 

Patient should recite the Surah AD-Dukhan (Chapter 44 of QURAN), Surah Al-Jinn (Chapter 72 of 
QURAN), Surah Ar-Rahman (Chapter 55 of QURAN) and Surah Al-Muzzamil (Chapter 73 of QURAN) as 
much as he can. If can't recite listen the recitation on CD, PC ETC. 

If feeling anxiety and depression recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas 100,100 times and blow on 
his/her self. If can't do on his own ask someone else to do it. 

If a house is possessed by demons give the prayer calling (Azaan) daily in the house. If a person is 
possessed give the prayer calling (Azaan) in his right ear. 

Patient must recite any darood shareef entire the day as much as he/she can. 

Before going to bed and after getting must do the SPIRITUAL PROTECTION (advised in this book). 

Recite 3 times Surah At-Tariq (Chapter 86 of QURAN) and blow on patient. 

Download and print and frame the protection talisman from and hang it 
somewhere in your home where you and other family members come to see it many times a day. 

Download "MANZIL" from composition of different Surah (Chapters) and Ayahs 
(Verses) of QURAN and recite it daily and blow on patient and a glass of water for patient to drink. 



67 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Turning Back the Magic to the Magician 

On many of requests of people I receive about the particular topic, I would to add some points to it. 

Many people ask me about how to turn the black magic back to the magician and they ask because 
they are depressed and disappointed and therefore they want to turn it back so that it becomes a 
lesson for the magician. 

Ok let's talk some detail.... 

As aforementioned, for any black magic magician fixes the evil guardians (evil demons, spirits, 
negative entities etc.). In easy words evil beings give their full assistance to magician to make the 
magic successful. 

Whenever you go to a pious and righteous healer he never suggests getting yourself in this fools game 
called "TURNING BACK THE MAGIC" but he always gives the full attention towards your treatment. 
While at other hand if you go to a person for the same purposes who does black magic or even a 
spiritual healer but does this job for material causes and money, they always provoke you more and 
encourage you to play the game of "TURNING THE MAGIC" and assure you that they can do it in a jiffy 
for you, if you want. Because they know once you get yourself into this fools game you will become a 
precious item for them. 

Now what actually happens in the background is whenever you turn the magic towards the magician, 
the evil guardians pay for it because they are the actual powers, protectors and people working 
behind all this. Now when evil guardians get hurt they try to find out who did this and who turned the 
magic back once they find out which is really easy for them, they come out to revenge you personally. 
Now the situation gets changed. Previously they working behind a black magic because someone 
casted it on you and they didn't have any personal issues with you but now they really have some 
personal business. And as I told you before they really love to revenge and their entire tribes come to 
revenge if they feel they are lacking the power and follow you and your family generation after 
generation. So now you become trapped and become the precious item of the healer or magician now 
you will run away again and again to him to ask him to help you and he will keep ripping you off by 
taking some money and give you a comfort which is not last longer. 

This is why the pious and righteous healer never advice you to get in to this fools game because they 
already aware of the issues coming ahead once you get into it and therefore they warn you and advice 
you to stop. 



68 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

At Last! 

I pray to Almighty Allah to heal all of you, whoever is sick gets heal and gets a 
long life, whoever is depressed and have no peace gets unlimited peace, 
whoever have no children may Allah izzo jal gives them pious and righteous 
children, whoever facing finance and wealth issues may get unlimited wealth, 
Whoever is unmarried and looking for the right person may get married soon. 
Students may get the fond of education, and May Allah izzo jal fill our hearts 
with his land his beloved Prophet Mohammad Sallal Lai La Ho Aleyhey 

Wasslams's Love Ameen. 

(A request to remember my father Miyan Khaleel-Ur-Rahman Shah 
Rahmania Fareedi, Kassimi Faridi R.A and myself in your precious 


If you find this book helpful and a good guide don't forget to pass it to friends 

and relatives who need it. 


Shifa Online's Book Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) is for everyone and this is why if you find any 
difficulty about any methods mentioned in the book or if you have any questions about any topics of 
this book you may contact our email help(a>shifaonline. orq . 



69 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Requisition! v/ 

No part of this publication may be published in any form, unless all 
Following conditions are met: 

1. Intent and context of this publication is not misrepresented in any 

2. The author Miyan Sahab is acknowledged 

3. Online site is specified as a contact for 
Miyan Sahab 

4. A copy of the entire publication that contains excerpts from this 
Publication is submitted to Shifa Online 

5. Explicit written permission from Miyan Sahab is obtained 



70 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Author & Shifa Online! 

The idea behind "Shifa Online" had emerged in the mind of "Miyan Sahab" in early 2000 when he 
came across that many fake gurus and peers ripping off people in different ways to get some fame 
and money. He started working on this project in late 2000 and gave it the shape of reality in mid of 
2001. The basic motive of starting "Shifa Online" is that people of different race and religions from all 
over the world become able to get free spiritual healing and consultancy and become aware "Spiritual 
& Self Development" with the help of modern technology and the global distribution of the Internet. 

Now at "Shifa Online" hundreds of people get spiritual healing and cure of BLACK MAGIC (KALA JADU, 
MENTAL & PHYSICAL DISEASE every month through the different alternative methods of "Miyan 
Sahab" like Recitation (wazaifs), Talisman (Taweezaat) and other methodologies to the people of 
different race and religion. 

Who is Miyan Sahab? 

Miyan Mohiuddin Hassan, alias Miyan Sahab, is a Muslim Sufi of Pakistan. He is a Sufi Master, author, 
educator, and spiritual guide for millions of people throughout the world. 

Birth and childhood 

He was born in 1982 in Karachi city, in the Sindh province of Pakistan. He belongs to a famous Sufi 
family of Karachi city and Hyderabad city, in the Sindh province of Pakistan 

Spiritual Path 

The first spiritual blessings were showered on Miyan Sahab by a SUFI of India, whose name was Baba 
Jalaal Shah, the grandson of the famous SUFI Sheikh of India, Bawa Abdur Rahman Shah ofAmbheta 
Shareef, may Allah illuminate, his shrine. Miyan Sahab was 4 years old when he was taken to his holy 
presence, (Baba Jalaal Shah), for the cure of seizures. Later, Miyan Sahab was trained and raised in 
the Sufi path by his father, Hazrat Khaleel Ur Rahman Shahfmay his shrine be shining always) who 
was the son and the first Sajjadah Nasheen and the successor of Hazrat Kassim Shah Faridi also known 
as Kassim Baba Faridi by his disciples. 



71 | Black Magic & Demons (Easy Cure) 

Miyan Sahab Rah mania Faridi is the only son of his noble father. His father always wanted to see 
Miyan Sahab as a leader of spiritual pathways of the highest stages, so he received full supervision 
and training, and was perfected in the Sufi path, receiving the blessings and spiritual gaze of the 
Masters of this sublime tariqa. 

Upon acquiring all the highest stages of the SUFI tradition, Miyan Sahab was finally awarded with the 
khilafah and Sajjadgi succession by his Master and father, Hazrat KHALEEL UR REHMAN SHAH, at the 
age of eight. His father fully authorized him in the Chishtiya, Naqshbandia, Soharwardiya and Qadriya 
tariqa, by awarding him Ijazah and designated Miyan Sahab as his successor at different occasions. 

Miyan Sahab also happened to meet many unknown SUFI MYSTICS throughout his life journey upto 
now, who at different phases of life gave him the lessons to love GOD and have unconditional faith in 
Him and illuminate his heart with the love of GOD. 

Rahmania Faridi Spiritual Hub 

Miyan Sahab also founded the RAHMANIA FARIDI SPIRITUAL HUB, (as per his father's aspiration in 
early 2005), after the death of his father, may his shrine be shining always for propagating the SUFI 
teachings to illuminate the hearts with the love of GOD and unconditional faith in Him. 

Miyan Sahab's disciples and people who love him and respect him are found worldwide - The majority 
are found in India, Pakistan, North America and South Africa. He is a magnificent man with a heart full 
of unconditional love and a charismatic personality. His lessons and teachings illuminate the hearts 
with love of GOD and unconditional faith in Him, in consequence enlightening of the inner being. 

